Lose weight with the NHS Weight Loss Programmes and App
If you're overweight, losing weight has many health benefits. It might help reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Making small, simple changes to what and how much you are eating and drinking can really help you lose the pounds. Visit the link below to look at the options available from the NHS
From 1 September 2023, more people will be eligible for the shingles vaccine. As well as people aged 70 to 79, you'll be eligible: when you turn 65 (if you turned 65 before 1 September 2023, you'll be eligible for the vaccine when you turn 70) if you're aged 50 or over and have a severely weakened immune system.
Cancer Screening Programme Guide
Have you ever wondered if you are eligible for screening NHS Screening Programme

Cancer screening saves thousands of lives each year. It can detect cancers at an early stage and in some cases, even prevent cancers from developing in the first place.
Why is it important?
• 375,400 New cases of cancer in the UK (2016-18 average).
• 166,533 Deaths from cancer in the UK (2016-18 average).
• 50% Survive cancers for 10 or more years (2010-11 England, Wales)
• 38% Cancer cases are preventable (UK 2015)
Alcohol Awareness - Try the Dry App
This Alcohol Awareness Week download the free Try Dry app to help you cut down on your drinking, or go alcohol-free.
The app can track your units, calories and money saved as well as understand your drinking pattern.
Download the free Try Dry app here and find out more on Alcohol Change:
You can visit the hospitals below for blood tests requested by the surgery
DRI outpatients: 7.30am-4.45pm
Bassetlaw outpatients: 8am-4.45pm
Montagu outpatients 8am: - 4.30pm
Children over the age of 5
8am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm (all sites)
The service is available Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Get FREE help and support to STOP SMOKING for good
Yorkshire Smokefree provides NHS advice and support including medication for anyone who wants to stop smoking. So when you're ready to quit, we're ready to help
0800 612 0011 free from landlines
0330 660 1166 free from most mobiles
Great News to all our patients.
ASA Medical Practice are offering both telephone and face to face appointments across all 3 sites on a daily basis. Not all appointments are bookable on the day only we do operate a system with advanced bookings also.
We also have a new function on our telephone system. If you join the queue and do not wish to stay on the line you can use our call back system, this will allow you to put the telephone down but keeps your place in the queue and one of our call handlers will call you back when it reaches your call.

Dietary advice for diabetic and pre-diabetic patients as discussed at the educational session
Please Click here to access the Mesothelioma website.
Be Breast Aware - Pass it On - View video HERE